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Circuit Breaker Day 1

Day 1

This update comes a little late as I spent an inordinate amount of time getting the flutter SDK to work.

Day 1 of CCB doesn't feel very different from the previous day. Apart from groceries shopping early in the morning, I made a trip to collect the government issued re-useable mask at the community centre.

It is a cloth mask that should not be taken to be proof against Covid-19. Its use may be more useful as a reminder that you should social distance.

I downloaded the Flutter SDK and I talked a little about it in today's video, link further down. It took far too long to install.

To wit what works for me (Mac OS X Sierra) is:

Download and unzip the SDK as per instructions.

Modify the path using:

sudo vim /etc/paths

Add the path to the /bin location of the flutter directory

Restart Terminal and do Echo $PATH just to make sure the path is there and do flutter --version

I was also missing the Xcode Command line tools but I remedied that quite easily.

Next is to install Android Studio which I removed a while back, and looking forward to trying out the latest edition.

I have started re-reading M.R. James starting with one of the first stories of his that I recall reading, Canon Alberic's Scrapbook. I followed up with Number 13. Both still as good as I remember them.


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